Mindfulness in Schools .b trained

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As a trained .b Teacher, I am qualified to work with schools/sports clubs/scouts and educational centres to teach children and young people Mindfulness in their learning environment. Working together with teachers and their students:

What is the .b?

The .b curricula is evidenced based and has been designed as a classroom introduction to Mindfulness. It aims to be an awareness raising exercise that gives students a taste of what mindfulness is through various practises and activities. Students can thus return to it in later life, when they need to.

What .b isn’t

  • is not therapy
  • is not Buddhism
  • is not yoga
  • is not visualisation
  • is not relaxation
  • Some benefits of .b for Students according to MiSP are:

    About MiSP

    MiSP (Mindfulness in School Project) is a charity which delivers world-leading curricula for classroom- based mindfulness. It teaches children and young people life-skills that build resilience and coping strategies to face adversities, enabling them to use these skills to flourish and thrive into adulthood.

    Personal Experience:

    As a former secondary school teacher and raising two teenage boys, I must add how useful the Mindfulness toolkit has been for my children and my parenting skills.



    Mindfulness is to be aware of your own experience, moment to moment, without judgement. Put simply it is about actively (intentionally) “being in the moment”.
    At Joy of Mindfulness we offer online mindfulness courses and face to face mindfulness in the Algarve, Portugal. We all have the inbuilt ability to practice mindfulness, the challenge of becoming more mindful is learning to access that ability


    Laughter Yoga

    Laughter Yoga movement originated in India in 1995 and was founded by Doctor Madan Kataria. We prefer practicing in groups, either online or in person Laughter Yoga in the Algarve, Portugal.

    Laughter Yoga is a combination of deep breathing exercises from yoga and laughter exercises, which oxygenates our body and brain improving our overall well-being.


    We offer Mindfulness courses which provide personalised mindfulness training in a structured and supportive environment. We also offer provide MBCT Courses in the Algarve and online. We also provide in person and online laughter yoga classes